The Mostarda of Cremona

Mixed Fruit

The Mostarda of Cremona

Mixed Fruit

A BIT OF HISTORY. Fruit Mostarda was cited for the fi rst time in the 1st century in “De Rustica” and then again in 1475 in “De De honesta voluptate et valetudine”, a book of recipes and culinary preparations by Bartolomeo Sacchi, a Cremonese who was nick-named “The Platina.” “Il cuoco reale e il contadino” (The royal cook and the farmer), dated 1780, describes the introduction of the Mostarda of Cremona to the royal court in 1533 by Catherine de Medici, future queen of France.


This “sauce” has a sweet and spicy fl avour and is made according to an antique and traditional Cremonese recipe. The preparation uses various fruit that are carefully selected from various regions in Italy; the fruit are candied and immersed in a sugar syrup aromatized with essential mustard oil.

Codice Descrizione Grammi Pezzi cartone
4805 Mixed fruit mostarda “jar S” spicy 380 12
4806 Mixed fruit mostarda “jar M”spicy 750 06
4823 Mixed fruit mostarda “Airtight jar” 1000 06
4835 Mixed fruit mostarda •display jar 5600 01