Almond nougat

Classic Nougats

Almond nougat

Classic Nougats

These nougats belong to an antique Cremonese tradition and are made with selected superior quality ingredients.

Only 100% Italian almonds are used in their natural unpeeled forms to fully preserve the fl avour they contain. The smooth, clear and intensely tasty honey comes exclusively from Italy too. They contain no added fl avourings, colourings or genetically modifi ed organisms.

Our nougats are cooked for 6-7 hours in old-fashioned copper pots, a method which fully complies with the most stringent of European health and hygiene regulations.

The classic nougats are available in both a crunchy almond nougat (blue band) and a soft almond nougat (green band) and in a variety of sizes.

Codice Descrizione Grammi Pezzi cartone
3305 Classic crunchy almond • antique case blue stripe 150 24
3306 Classic crunchy almond • antique case blue stripe 250 18
3310 Soft almond fl avour • antique case green stripe 150 24
3311 Soft almond fl avour • antique case green stripe 250 18